“Raw Wind in Eden” is a 1958 American film directed by Richard Wilson. The film stars Jeff Chandler and Esther Williams. The film tells the story of a love triangle that unfolds on a small Greek island. Williams plays the role of a woman named Elena, who is torn between two men: her husband, a wealthy businessman, and a handsome fisherman (played by Chandler).
The film was shot on location on the Greek island of Santorini, and it features several scenes of the island’s natural beauty, including its beaches and cliffs. The film also features several swimming and diving scenes, which showcase Williams’ skills as a swimmer and her athleticism.
The film was not a commercial success and received mixed reviews from critics. Some praised the film’s cinematography and the performances of the lead actors, while others criticized the film’s script and pacing. Despite the mixed reviews, the film is notable for its depiction of the beautiful Greek island of Santorini and for Esther Williams’ performances.